We took another trip to Pacific Grove over Thanksgiving holiday first stopping at the Legion of Honor museum in San Francisco to see some old paintings. I left my digital Leica camera at home in favor of shooting film. Along the way I took an handful of shots with my iPhone 12 for comparison. This is Part I, just the iPhone photos. The film photos are in Part II.

Each morning I wandered around Monterey enjoying the quiet streets with my coffee and then visiting the John Denver Memorial just down the street from our lodgings in Pacific Grove in spending some time is quiet solitude missing the music and the man we grew up with.

He climbed cathedral mountains, he saw silver clouds below
He saw everything as far as you can see
And they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun
And he lost a friend but kept the memory
Now he walks in quiet solitude the forests and the streams
Seeking grace in every step he takes
His sight has turned inside himself to try and understand
The serenity of a clear blue mountain lakeHenry John Deutschendorf Jr.
In the afternoon we drove around Carmel Highlands hoping to find the Ansel Adams House but couldn’t. Either it’s long gone or well hidden.

This is Garrapata Beach and Calla Lily Valley. Probably my favoritest beach in addition to Bean Hollow up the road. There are couple of photos of Bean Hollow in Part II – film.
And finally, a handful of evening light flicks from a few of my favorite spots around the Monterey Peninsula.

All photos in this post were taken using the iPhone 12 except where noted. Click on any image for a closer look.
The film photos of this trip are in Part II.
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