A large military hospital complex was built in Würzburg in the late 1930s. When the U.S. Army moved into the area in April 1945, this facility was taken over by the 107th EVAC Hospital, and it continued to serve as a U.S. Army hospital until returned to the German government in 2007 (the hospital was extensively remodeled in 2011).
My younger brother spent some time here when he was an infant in 1973.

I spent several years there working as a psychiatric specialist in the 80’s. I’m sad to learn that it is closed. I remember being there at the height of the Red Army Faction still trying to influence the German citizens. We had no MP’s, we were our own Kaiserne so when things escalated they had to bring MP’s from Leighton Barracks, Third ID.
My father was in the army from 1954-1956. I was born in Wurzburg in 1956. Is this the army hospital that served in the time. My birth certificate says I was born in US Army Hospital. I plan on visiting Germany in September of 2023. This will be my first time back since I was born. I am looking to see if there is still any records available and if I have the right hospital. ThankYou